Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween with Team Challenge!

Over Halloween weekend, Team Challenge had a brisk 9-mile run through Decatur! Our participants were challenged to come up with their best costume and we had some awesome creativity!

Chris was a super hero .... out to battle the evil Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis!

Karin, aka Hit Girl, and Amanda, aka the running clown!

It was fun to run in costume and to have lots of (good) stares from the community!

And of course, Angel, had an awesome costume! Team Challenge participants should all be on the front of a Wheaties box .... they're amazing!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Introducing .... Lindsay!

1. What's your name? Lindsay Sullivan

2. What's your occupation?

3. What's your favorite sports team? Georgia Bulldogs!!!!

4. How did you get involved with Team Challenge? orignally looking into volunteering at Camp Oasis and while I was on the CCFA website I saw Team Challenge. A family friend was recently diagnosed with Crohn's so I knew I had to do it!!!!

5. Do you have an honored teammate? Yes, Nick Marion (14 year old boy)

6. If there was 1 song playing when you entered into a room, what would it be? Keith Urban - These Are the Days

7. Have you ever been to Vegas before and what are you looking forward to the most while we're there? never been...never been out of the Eastern/Central time zone so looking forward to getting out of my "bubble"...also looking forward to corssing the finish line!!!!

8. What do you miss most about your childhood? playing outside until after dark

9. What phrase/phrases do you say a lot? I'm told that instead of saying "No, thank you" I always say "Actually, I'm good" ....I'm not convinced that I do but that's what I'm told :)

This is Lindsay and her honored teammate, Nick! You can check out her fundraising page at

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Introducing .... Alexis!

1. What's your name? Alexis Story

2. Are you from Atlanta originally? If not, where did you grow up? Born in Sacramento, CA but only lived there for 8 months. Grew up in Slidell, LA until 11 and then Cincinnati, OH until 17

3. How did you get involved with Team Challenge? My friend Amanda Ramsey told me about it and I was interested because of the entire process - goal setting, a great trip, and the fundraising to a great cause

4. Have you ever played sports, been athletic, run, or participated in a half marathon before? I played sports throughout high school, have always been athletic, am a nationally certified yoga teacher, but never trained for or participated in a half

5. If there was 1 song playing when you entered into a room, what would it be? Bubble Toes by Jack Johnson

6. What is your favorite food? (Can we settle for Top 3?) Avocados, Popcorn, Creme Brulee (but definitely all at very separate times!)

11. Favorite color? teal-blue/green

14. What phrase/phrases do you say a lot? I LOVE YOU!

You can check out Alexis' fundraising page at

Injury Free!

This past weekend, we met at Big Peach Running Company -- Brookhaven for an injury prevention clinic and a lovely 7-mile run!

We are so lucky to have Dr. Peebles from Atlanta Foot and Ankle to be such a big supporter of Team Challenge. He came and gave a wonderful presentation about foot and ankle health and about the mechanics of running. He so graciuosly brought our team copies of his partner's book and if we are all lucky and careful, we will have an injury-free finish at the Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll Marathon with Team Challenge Georgia!

This is Dr. Peebles giving his presentation. We are all so greatful to him for his time and energy -- especially early on a Saturday morning!

After the clinic, we set out to the streets of Brookhaven for a lovely 7-mile run! The weather was perfect, and the neighborhood we ran in was beautiful! I'm pretty sure we all picked out our future homes! :)

Here are a few pictures from before and after our run this weekend ....

Mentor Ross --- always has a smile on!

Our team huddle --- "When I say Team, you say Challenge!"

And even after our run, everyone looks good and feels ACCOMPLISHED!

Way to go Team Challenge Georgia .... you're all doing amazing!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introducing .... Dalit!

1. What's your name? Dalit Pollak

2. Are you from Atlanta originally? If not, where did you grow up? I was born in Israel, but moved to Atlanta when I was 6 years old

3. What's your occupation? Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

4. What's your favorite sports team? Atlanta Falcons and Florida Gators

5. If there was 1 song playing when you entered into a room, what would it be? Sexy Chick by Akon LOL!!!

6. What is your favorite food? Chocolate....wait is that really a food? :)

7. What do you miss most about your childhood? No responsibilities

8. What phrase/phrases do you say a lot? Whatever, No worries, Are you kidding me??

Dalit is a wonderful mentor this season! She was a participant in 13.1 Boston with Team Challenge Georgia last season!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

6 Miles ..... CHECK!

We had a great run this morning at Cochran Shoals park -- right on the Chattahoochee River! Our team is up to 6 miles this week, and everyone looked so strong! There were several groups of runners, run/walkers, and walkers ... everyone going at their own pace, but most importantly, everyone GOING! Team Challenge Georgia is so awesome this season and we are training hard to be strong out in Las Vegas and fundraising even harder to find a cure!

Check out some pictures of our awesome mentors and participants from this morning's run!

Cindy, Karin, Anna, Sarah, and Dalit

Jared and Anna

Dalit, Ross, and Mary (beautiful even with a silly face!)

Brandi, Sarah, and Yanice